Writing and Publishing

Lightning Strikes Twice

Last month I posted about what can happen when your literary agent doesn’t like your next book. Here’s how that’s been working out for me.

So. By spring 2017 I’d been unagented for nearly two years.


I queried new agents when I had the time and determination, but between being a caregiver for my dad*, who had renal failure, and digging up whatever freelance opportunities I could, I didn’t have a lot of emotional headspace left for agent hunting. Especially when the rejections I got were variations on a theme: “I love the voice/concept/whatever but there’s no room in the market for plus-size** characters.”


(Pun not intended. And, I mean… What? ELEANOR & PARK was on fire when I was drafting MAMMOTH in 2013-2014, DUMPLIN’ took off in 2015, THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED was on the way… The audience is there! Plus, MAMMOTH is a story about personal authenticity and paleontology geekery. Its protagonist happens to be plus-size. She’s also smart. Clever. Ambitious. Conflicted. Brave. Flawed. Obviously I’m biased, but I think her value as a character goes beyond the size tag on her jeans.)

In April, an agent I followed on Twitter, Eric Smith of P.S. Literary, tweeted that he’d be closing to submissions in a few months. Eric seemed super cool, and he represents several writers I know (Rebecca Enzor, a friend from my toy-collecting days, and Rebecca Phillips, who I knew from the ABNA), and I figured, why not? I was spending a lot of time in hospital waiting rooms, so that’s where I drafted a new version of my query letter. Within a couple of days, Eric requested the manuscript. Yay!


A few days after that I saw this tweet and wistfully thought, “Aw, I wish he was talking about MAMMOTH!”:




He made a few revision suggestions that I totally agreed with, and a week or so later I signed a contract. His enthusiasm has been nothing short of remarkable, and I don’t know how he finds enough hours in the day to accomplish all that he does. Eric’s just awesome. Plus, I gained an amazing group of supportive agent-siblings!


MAMMOTH is now out on submission, and I can’t wait to prove that the market has plenty of room for Natalie and her dig site discoveries. THIS IS HAPPENING.

*My dad passed away in late May, and one of the last things that made him really happy was knowing I’d signed with a new agent. As overwhelming as the last few months have been, I’m really glad he knew I’d found my footing again.
**Not everyone likes “plus-size” as a label. I acknowledge that, and I’ll address the reasons I use it for Natalie in a future post.

6 thoughts on “Lightning Strikes Twice”

  1. Firstly, I want to say I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad, I’m glad he got to see you find your footing again before he passed. Secondly, I want to say that I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found a new agent who is enthusiastic about your book. The concept sounds amazing and this world needs strong protagonists like yours who just happen to be plus sized. I’m sure there are many readers, who, like your MC, just happen to be plus sized, who will appreciate reading about the adventures of someone like them. Congrats on your achievements, I wish you the best of luck in your writing career!


  2. will there be anymore spooky girl books?? also so sorry to hear about your fathers passing I know what that’s like my own father passed in 2013 of a massive heart attack while he was at work the same year my grandparents passed too so I just wanted to let you know your not alone hope to hear from you soon your fan Angela


    1. Hi, Angela! I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond — I think my blog tried to eat your comment. I’m so sorry you lost your dad and your grandparents so close together like that. I don’t have any immediate plans for a Spookygirl series, but I have drafts and notes for at least two more Spookygirl books that I’d love to release someday.


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